The Hot Seat – The challenges for HR in digital transformation

Digitala transformation HRImpossible to neglect that the prefix digital was glued to so many of the topics being handled during the week in Almedalen. This was true for my first panel as well: The Hot Seat – The challenges for HR in digital transformation moderated by @tommiecau

The panel was asked to discuss and reflect on:

  • Digital transformation – what does that mean to your respective organisations?
  • Recruitment – how is the digital transformation changing the way you attract and recruit?
  • Talent management – how is your talent management work impacted by a digital transformation?
  • Leadership – how is our leaders and our leadership practice changing during a digital transformation?
  • Running an HR transformation – which area is impacted the most?

It was a pleasure to be in the panel with @asaragnar and @asajamal I think there were some expections us having different challanges and experiences due to i) org.differences ii) maturity of the three orgs iii) us having  different roles & approaches – but as the conversation developed we realized that it could have been more exciting for the people listening @Epicenter

This actually is one of my reflection from this year. Most, if not all panels consists of people with the same ideas, same view, same passion, same concerns. Not so interesting in the long run to listen to and also, no spark, very little dynamics and not really moving the perception. 

I really liked that the audience stayed, asked a lot of questions and there was a crisp dialogue that started after the actual panel and continued for an extra hour.

Next year. I look forward to: Disruption! Labs, Workshops and why not a ‘home’ for all the HR related questions like Talent Aqcuistion, Talent Management, Diversity & Inclusion, Leadership etc. This would make time for quality mingel that not necessary has to involve rosé.


Photo credit: The Phoneographer

Almedalen 2015

Almedalen 2015Finner mig åter vara på väg till den årliga klanträffen i Almedalen.

Känner mig kluven till alla dessa likriktade paneler och det unika med denna öppenheten och tillgängligheten som fenomenet Almedalen ändå vilar på. I år, inget super-valår, då tveksamt om de politiska partierna kommer vara den naturliga kärnan i år. Samtidigt så verkar ‘HR-frågorna’ och speciellt ‘instegsfrågorna’, de digitala talangjaktsfrågorna, mångfald, ledarskap och morgondagens näringsliv/arbetsliv.

Ser fram emot mötena, de övriga panelisterna, kompetensutvecklingen och det fina vädret. På årets egna panel-schema står bland annat:

The Hot Seat – The challenges for HR in digital transformation, Epicenter

Hur tillvarata invandrad kompetens, JUSEK

Utbildning och jobb – hur mångfald och den globala arbetsmarknaden påverkar svenska företag, Jalla Almedalen

Framtida utmaningar för Sverige inför digitalisering och sjunkande kunskaper inom matematik, Matte/Kodcentrum 

Det nya näringslivet, Veckan Affärer

Ledarskap och framtidens chefsförsörjning, Ledarna & Scouterna

Women in Tech @Almedalen, Microsoft, MTGx & Spotify



Dyhre & Segelmark #HRUHRUnconference – Connecting HR

What you need to know and why you should attend!

#HRU is a platform for HR practitioners, tacticians and strategists to share cases, discuss tools and next practices in the industry. The format is designed for individual interaction and high level of engagement, so the number of attendees is limited, and tracks are more like lively discussions rather than keynote talks people hear in other industry events.
Topics revolve around whatever is hot in that region in HR & TA:
– Trending new HR tech and sourcing tools;
– Employer branding and building talent pipelines;
– Mobile and social recruiting;
– HR best practices and interesting HR cases;
– Local HR practices and insights.

#HRU also invites top HR Tech companies in Sweden. This year in Bokenäs the following companies will be presented to them:
Plum – innovative pre-employment assessment tool;
Qwalify – powerful talent community engagement tool;
TeamFit – skill-based assessment platform;
Wirl – continuous feedback platform;

Me personally, looking forward to the OpenSpace with Dyhre, Segelmark, Andric and some other royalities. Typically at an unconference, the agenda is created by the attendees at the beginning of the pow wow. Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a topic will claim the time and the space. This form of conference is particularly useful when the attendees generally have a high level of expertise or knowledge in the field the conference convenes to discuss.

12-14 Juni, HRU SouthWest 2015. 57.1234, 11.4321
